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« 中日联合调查显示中国人对日印象大为改善 | 首页 | 北京媒体又造假新闻 央视也成日本电视台 »

星期一, 八月 20, 2007



“我不关心Ignatius Ding或者史维会还做了什麽, 我只知道有人证物证可以证明2005年6月27号电影的首次公映会上, 史维会以Ignatius Ding为首的7/8个人 steal the show. 我还有更多的证明可以显示,在之后的两年里, 制片人个人和这部电影频繁遭到对方攻击.”



发信人: suny4321 (不限), 信区: ChinaNews

标 题: 纪录片" 南京梦魇" 美国制片人约瑟夫博士的公开信

zz发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 18 07:01:59 2007)


在创作纪录片电影 " 南京梦魇- 南京大屠杀" 的过程中, 我万万也想不到我会不断遭到中国人的毁谤中伤和个人攻击, 但这正是一直以来发生的事情, 直到今天毁谤和攻击还在继续 .

正如大多数北加州的记者所见证和了解的 , 在2005 年6 月底, 我的电影第一次在北加州举行试映会, 北加抗日战争史实维护会(简称 : 史维会 )的丁元 (英文名字:Ignatius Ding) 就出现在我的公映式上, 利用我不懂中文和当时还没有中国合作伙伴,向华人观众撒谎说代表我和我的电影. 在我完全不知情的情况下, 丁元冒充我的名义,招徕公众捐款, 私吞了数千美元本该用来制作电影的捐款. 我之前并不认识丁元 , 也没有给他任何许可 .

在我发现他的诈骗行为之后, 试图阻止他, 但是没有成功. 丁元和他的史维会私吞了所有的数千美元第一次试映会上观众的捐款 . 让我更惊讶的是, 北加州当地的华人媒体为了维护史维会的面子 , 想要掩盖这个盗窃事件 . 华人媒体错误地向公众报道说丁元和史维会将诈骗款归还给我了 . 这纯属谎言 , 我从来也不认识丁元这个人 , 他没有权利在我的电影会上招揽筹款, 丁元和史维会私吞了筹款, 而当地的中文媒体粉饰了这个故事.

除了少数的中国人热情捐款协助这部电影的制作之外 , 大部分的中国人对此是冷漠的,一些中国人, 中国组织和机构不仅不合作, 反而对我有敌意. 比如, 位于中国南京市的 南京大屠杀纪念馆的馆长朱成山显得完全不合作, 甚至当我向他要求一些纪念馆收藏的照片用于我的电影里的时候, 还遭到了他的侮辱. 但是, 当我发现这个纪念馆里甚至陈列和张贴了一些士兵和受害人穿着夏天衣服的造假图片时, 这位馆长的行为更让我厌恶到极点. 这些造假的图片明显不可能是在南京大屠杀期间拍摄的, 因为南京大屠杀发生在寒冬, 温度经常低到结冰, 不可能出现日军穿夏天服饰的场景.

不仅拒绝在剧院, 电视台播放我的电影, 还不允许这部电影在中国出版或销售DVD. 在美国,已经有 4百万观众观看了这部电影 , 但是中国拒绝在中国正式公开 发行" 南京梦魇-南京大屠杀 ".

我的遭遇和美国在线公司副总裁泰德 ·莱昂西斯 (Ted Leonsis ) 相比就悬殊显著.在2005 年5 月份, 我给泰德· 莱昂西斯和其他因特网公司的执行长们邮寄了我的电影的录像带, 随带子还附上了一封信解释 "南京大屠杀 ' 这个主题的重要性 . 没过多久, 莱昂西斯开始宣布他决定要制作关于南京大屠杀的电影 , 原因是在 2005年的夏天他读到了张纯如逝世的消息, 然而, 张纯如死于2004 年, 不是2005年 , 更不是 2005年夏天 .

莱昂西斯在他的电影< 南京> 上投资了数百万美元, 他得到了来自, 中国中央电视台和中国的电影制片厂的全力合作. 当然 , 如果你有亿万美金 , 中国所有的便利之门都会为你打开的 . 不幸的是 , 他的电影不怎麽样 , 没有拿到任何有意义的大奖, 在中国只放映了几天就被取消公映, 因为中国的观众并没有发现他的电影有价值.

相反, 我的电影 " 南京梦魇- 南京大屠杀" 光在美国可以统计的就有超过4百万观众 ,还不包括世界其他地方无法统计的数据 . 在 Youtube 网站上数以百万计的电影中 ,我的电影被冠为" 一直以来最热门讨论" 的前十名. ( 中国的媒体报道说, 北京市和南京市的居民自发下载并组织公众观看" 南京梦魇-南京大屠杀 ". ) 我的电影是有史以来关于南京大屠杀这个悲剧的最好的一部电影 . 就是在这样的情况下 , 中国政府还是拒绝让我的电影通过公映和发行渠道进入中国的市场 , 中国的组织和机构还是继续抱着敌意的不合作态度 . 我认为这是不光彩的行为 .

我花费多年为这部电影收集资料作研究 , 我又花费多年把所有的资料整理出来. 2005年一整年, 我每天工作10 个小时来完成这部电影的制作和修改, 接着我又继续投入更多心血. 一部像 "南京梦魇 -南京大屠杀 "这样的电影正常要投入一百万美元来制作.

除去制作费 , 这部电影的音乐版权费是另一项巨大开支 . 仅仅为了其中一首古典音乐, 就有版权公司向我索价6 万5 千美元. 这部电影中我总共使用了7 支不同的音乐.幸好经过我谈判协商 , 版权公司同意降价 , 条件是有一部分音乐的使用期限受到限制, 这样我才能够得到折扣费率 , 这一部分受限的音乐版权很快就要到期 , 必须续约才可继续使用 .不幸的是, 尽管这部电影如此成功, 我在中国和美国都无法获得发行渠道, 没有发行渠道, 就不可能卖出电影的拷贝, 这部电影也就无法自负盈亏 .

如果留心观察的话, 你们会发现Youtube 网站和Google 等有音像的网站, 经常不得不撤下包含有没有合法版权的音乐的电影.

我不喜欢去筹款, 我讨厌请求别人帮助. 我的想法就是如果这部电影无法自负盈亏, 我就等到音乐版权到期的时候把它撤下来 . 更何况 , 我遭受日本右翼的威胁, 又被中国人毁谤攻击.

我不想要寻求赞助和筹款, 然而, 我的中文版制片人吴海燕告诉我, 我有义务给中国人一个提供帮助的机会. 我不大情愿的同意了, 接着我们在8月 1号发出了最后的寻求帮助的公告 .

发出最后的筹款公告以后, 只有不超过10 个人回应, 只有不超过10 个人捐款. 我们接收到的捐款少于 1000美元 . 虽然我非常感谢这些提供了帮助的人士 , 但是这是杯水车薪 , 远远不能支付这部电影的成本和费用.

这一次我不会再要求帮助, 我决定不干了.

我还听说有中文媒体的记者和中国人攻击我请求帮助的这个行为 .

有的中国人, 包括一些中国记者, 他们认为我应该义务为这部电影工作, 这部电影就应该免费放给所有人看, 我就应该把我的所有积蓄存款投资到这部电影上, 他们认为我就不应该向外界请求帮助.

这让我回想起中国人对待约翰拉贝和魏特琳以及所有建立南京国际安全区的西方人士的可怕方式 . 约翰拉贝孤独死于贫困 , 被称为活菩萨的魏特琳孤独自杀. 今天你在中国什麽地方能找到纪念这些挽救南京难民的英雄的雕像吗? 没有.

在遍及全球有20 亿人口的中国人, 只有100 多人向我提供了帮助. 我感谢这100多个人. 如果不是他们的帮助 , 我应该是很早以前就停止了为这部电影工作 . 制作这样的一部纪录片电影是非常昂贵的 , 我是个人投资制作, 一直处于亏本状态.

从经营角度考虑, 中国政府拒绝给予这部电影发行许可, 我就是再投资去续签这些音乐的版权合同也没有任何意义. 中国机构的敌意态度, 史维会和丁元的行径, 再加上日本人的威胁, 在这些种种的情况下 , 没有道理还让我继续投入我个人的资金到这部电影中 , 然后让我的亏损越来越大 , 这部电影带给我的是侮辱 ,威胁和灾难 .

我原本希望至少可以持平 , 把我投资进去的成本收回 . 相反, 这部电影只带给我损失, 灾难和痛苦以及无休止的个人攻击. 我希望我从来没有制作过这部电影.

在8 月1 号的筹款公告之, 我总计收到了大约1000 美元的捐款, 我将返还给捐款人.在9月 1号 , 我将关闭南京大屠杀电影的主题网站 , 我将会从因特网上撤下所有关于南京大屠杀, 关于日军在中国的暴行 ,关于慰安妇等等所有影片 .

如果还有中国人想要攻击我, 请记住: 在美国有超过4 百万人观看我的纪录片 " 南京梦魇-南京大屠杀 ", 而且是免费观看的 , 还有谁为南京大屠杀这个主题作了更多的贡献 ?

纪录片 " 南京梦魇- 南京大屠杀" 被迫从9 月1号开始撤消 , 是因为缺乏资助和帮助, 是因为我一直亏钱 ,是因为我一直遭到个人攻击和威胁. 我只好洗手不干了.

对不起, 我个人不愿意再被访问, 或者发表任何评论. 对于撤消电影一事和我的这封公开信, 中文制片人吴海燕女士没有参与决策, 完全是我的独立决定.


朗恩约瑟夫 博士纪录片 " 南京梦魇- 南京大屠杀" 导演制片人

It is kind of sad news. Maybe we need to think about it for a long time.Where is the Chinese government and organization, population in US. Each oneseems to work hard to get green card or make more money. It is easy toshout some empty slogans than something really meaningful.

-Documentary, "The Rape of Nanking" Will Be Cancelled on September 1-Donations insufficient. Personal Attacks & Threats Continue.-Film Will Be Cancelled and Taken Down on September 1-4 Million Views & Downloads-Top 10 Most Discussed Films of All Time

In creating the documentary film, The Rape of Nanking, the last thingI expected was to be attacked and to be continually subjected toslander and personal attacks by Chinese, but that is exactly what hashappened and the attacks continue even today.

As most reporters from Northern California known, Ignatius Ding andthe Global Alliance arrived at the first showing of my film andpretended to represent me and my film and solicited thousands ofdollars of donations without my knowledge or permission. I had nevermet Ding before in my life and once I discovered what they were doingI tried to stop him but without success. Ding and his group kept allthe money that they solicited at the showing of my film. To myastonishment, the local Chinese media wanted to cover up this theft inorder to "save face" and then lied to the Chinese people by falselyclaiming Ding and his group gave the money to me. This is a lie. I hadnever met Ding before in my life. He had no right to solicitdonations, and Ding and his group kept the money, and the localChinese media covered it up.

With the exception of a few Chinese who donated funds and tried tohelp the production of this film, for the most part the Chinese peoplehave been indifferent and Chinese groups and Chinese organizationshave been uncooperative and hostile toward me. The Director of theNanjing Memorial Museum behaved uncooperatively and chose to insult mewhen I inquired about photos they may have which I wanted to use in myfilm. What makes the Director's behavior so disgusting is that theNanjing Memorial Museum displays and has posted many fake photos ofsoldiers and victims dressed in summer clothes, and which could notpossibly have been taken during the Nanjing Massacre when temperatureswere often below freezing. Dishonest people behave dishonorable.

The Chinese government has also behaved uncooperatively and hasrefused to allow me to show my film in theaters, on TV., or to allowit to be sold on DVD in China. Over 4 million people in the US haveseen this film, but the Chinese government won't allow it to be shownin China.

The contrast with Ted Leonsis is striking. I sent Mr. Leonsis (andother internet executives) a VHS copy of my film in May of 2005, alongwith a letter explaining the importance of the topic. Later Leonsisbegan claiming he decided to make a film on the Rape of Nanking afterhe read of the death of Iris Chang in the summer of 2005. Ms. Chang,however, did not die in the summer of 2005, nor did she die in 2005.She died in 2004.

Leonsis spent millions of dollars on his film, and he had the completecooperation of the Chinese government, CCTV, and Chinese movieproduction studios. If you have a billion dollars, doors open for youin China. Unfortunately, his film was not very good, and it hasfailed to win any significant awards, and showings in China had to becancelled after a few days because Chinese audiences did not find hisfilm worthwhile.

By contrast, my film has now been seen by over 4 million people, it isranked in the top 10 "Most Discussed Film of All Time" (Youtube), andit is the best movie ever made about this tragedy. Even so, theChinese government refuses to allow my film to be shown in China andChinese organizations and groups continue to be uncooperative andhostile. I view this behavior as shameful and disgraceful.

I spent years researching my film. I spent years putting it together.I spent 10 hours days for almost all of 2005 to finish this film, andI continue to put work into it. A film like this would normally cost amillion dollars to produce.

The licensing fees for the music is yet another cost. I was quoted$65,000.00 just to license a single classical piece of music. I usedover 7 different pieces of music. Fortuntely, I negotiated the costdown, and in doing so, I licensed some of the music for a limited timeperiod so I could license the music for a reduced rate. Some ofthese licenses will soon expire.

Unfortunately, despite the success of this film, I cannot obtaindistribution in China or in the US. Without distribution it isimpossible to sell this film or the DVD. The film cannot pay foritself.

And for those of you who pay attention, youtube and video.google etal., constantly take down films that include unlicensed copyrightedmusic.

I hate asking for donations. I hate asking for help. My feeling wasthat I should just let the licenses expire and take down the film.Indeed, I am getting threats from right wing Japanese, and I am stillbeing attacked by Chinese.

I did not want to ask for donations. However, Ms. Wu, my coproducer,told me I had an obligation to the Chinese people and that I shouldgive them a chance to help. I reluctantly agreed and we made a finalplea for help just a few weeks ago.

Less than 10 people responded to our recent request for help. Lessthan 10 people donated funds. I received less than $1,000. Although Iappreciate this help, the funds received are not enough to covercosts.

I am not going to ask for help again. I am done with this.

I have heard that Chinese reporters and other Chinese have attacked mefor asking for help.

Some Chinese, including Chinese reporters, believe I should work forfree, that the film should be shown for free, and I should spend allmy money on this film, and that it is wrong of me to ask for help.This attitude reminds me of the terrible manner the Chinese treatedJohn Rabe, Minni Vautrin, and all the westerners who set up theNanking Safety Zones. John Rabe died alone and in poverty. Ms. Vautrin(The Angel of Nanjing) died alone and committed suicide. Where are thestatues to these people?

Out of 2 billion Chinese world wide, only about 100 have offered meany help. I thank those 100. If not for their support, I would havestopped this film a long time ago. However, to make a film like thisis very expensive. I lost money on this.

From a business perspective, it doesn't make sense for me to renew thelicense for music for a film that the Chinese government refuses to beshown in China. Given the hostile attitude of so many Chineseorganizations and the behavior of Ding and his group, coupled withJapanese threats, it doesn't make sense for me to continue to losemoney or to spend more of my money on a film that only brings meinsults, threats, and misery.

I had hoped to break even, to earn back what I spent. Instead, thisfilm has only brought me misery and unhappiness and non-stop personalattacks. I wish I never made this film.

As to further donations, it is too late. I wash my hands of this. Asto the approximately $1,000 in donations I have received, I will givethat money back to the donors.

On September 1, I will shut down the Rape of Nanking websites, and Iwill take this film and my other films on Japanese Atrocities, ComfortWomen, etc., down from internet.

And before you decide to attack me, remember: 4 million people in theUS have seen this film, and they saw it for free. Who has done more?

The Rape of Nanking, will be cancelled and taken down on September 1,because of lack of support, because I continue to lose money, andbecause of continuing personal attacks and threats. I wash my hands ofthis.

Sorry, I am not available to comment further, and I am not availablefor interview. Ms. Haiyan Wu is NOT authorized to comment on thismatter and played no role in this decision.


R. Joseph, Ph.D.

Production Team of Film
"Nightmare in Nanking-Rape of Nanking"
Email: Nanking@RapeofNanking.info

Producer&Director: Dr. Rhawn Joseph
Phone/Fax: +1 (408) 286 - 9833


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