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« 肖传国案两个网络调查即时结果 | 首页 | 四十年前的今天:1966年8月8日(录音) »

星期三, 八月 02, 2006




送交者: 方舟子 于 2006-08-01, 19:31:07:

回答: My opinion on this matter and others 由 kink 于 2006-08-01, 11:55:43:

看来你也是网络愤青and 民运分子


送交者: kink 于 2006-08-01, 11:55:43:




我想我们应该谢谢《自然》杂志给出了一个很好的关于方和他的新语丝在干什么的定义。也许在《自然》杂志贴出文化大革命的照片和这篇文章之前,我们中的很多人还不清楚方的打假到底问题在哪里。但是在那之后,新语丝上的疯狂的帖子无可辩驳地向我们证明了,《自然》是多么的正确。看那些恶毒攻击傅(新元)教授的、邱(小庆)教授的,其他人的... 还有对《中国地理》编辑者的毫无意义的攻击。




My opinion on this matter and others

送交者: kink 于 2006-08-01, 11:55:43:

This case is purely a personal matter between Xiao and Fang, and they are fighting for some meaningless stuff (at least from the point of view of an outsider). Xiao is not a big corrupted scientist, there is nothing solid that Fang can accuse of him. It's actually very similiar to a fight between two mad women...

There is no need for that Yush's stupid letter. What does he (or she) want? Xiao has no serious problems worth denouncing, so this yush wants to have people united to oppose the justice of China? Naive.

About Fang: There are his golden days when he was the first to pick out those cheaters in academics of China, and at that time there were many people (decent scientists) supporting him (it's said that Xiao was once a supporter of Fang). But look at who are his fans now? A group of 网络愤青and 民运分子.

I think we should thank Nature to have given a very good definition of the nature of what Fang and his XYS are doing now. Maybe before Nature published the Cultural Revolution picture and the article, many of us didn't know exactly what went wrong with Fang's DAJIA. But AFTER those were published, the crazy posts on XYS have definitely shown us how correct Nature is... see those ugly posts attacking Prof. Fu, Prof. Qiu, etc... also those meaningless posts attacking the editor of Chinese Geographic...

Now the only thing I like Fang about is his popular science articles. Very well written. He has good training in science and a rare capability in writing. To be a popular science writer should be his correct career.

But don't rely on a group of 愤青and 民运. That will ruin your reputation and your whole career.


* 如果阁下需要对文革了解一二,网上有很多文革的文章 - Node (250 bytes) 2006-08-01, 21:16:34 (96492)
* 你这不是在贴我的大字报,对我搞“文革”吗?还给我指明了出路 - 方舟子 (30 bytes) 2006-08-01, 19:31:07 (96479)
* 害怕压制方的都是“有缝的鸡蛋”,很可能你也是!也许你对肖的造假不了解 (无内容) - yan (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 18:30:26 (96470)
o 肖的作假手段在缺乏诚信的国内极其普遍,毫不客气的说绝大多数人都用过! - yan (40 bytes) 2006-08-01, 18:34:19 (96472)
* 鼠辈。 (无内容) - 冒泡 (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 18:00:24 (96469)
* readers of xys need to think over - li_ping_an (250 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:40:38 (96457)
o 说得最好的是最后一句,不过不要光顾自己,这个“突破”跟大伙也分分:D (无内容) - 自如 (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:59:43 (96462)
o Is this English? :)) (无内容) - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:45:38 (96459)
o come on, do not keep jokjing all other chinese with nonsense - li_ping_an (272 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:43:42 (96458)
* 嘿嘿,真有不知天高地厚的。你倒免费给方舟子作起职业咨询来了。:)) (无内容) - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:34:36 (96455)
* 说得好!道出了那些曾经,正在,或准备学术腐败者的心声 - 自如 (518 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:30:06 (96454)
* 120起草人之一吧? - Yush (1153 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:05:47 (96447)
o Yush啊,我当年申请绿卡的节骨眼可使劲儿吹自己获过奖的噢!:)) (无内容) - PoohHunny2 (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 19:32:58 (96480)
+ 他说的是自称,"他称"的不算 (无内容) - bubble (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 22:17:05 (96495)
o 哈哈,怪不得透出一股酸醋味。 - 秦州刺史 (132 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:24:46 (96453)
* 滚你妈个逼!把人贴上”Cultural Revolution “,愤青and 民运, - 秦州刺史 (77 bytes) 2006-08-01, 14:19:04 (96440)
o 现在指责人”文化大革命“和文化大革命时动不动说人是”反革命分子“有什么区别? - 秦州刺史 (21 bytes) 2006-08-01, 14:30:52 (96441)
+ 没有区别 - Nixrreg (60 bytes) 2006-08-01, 14:52:20 (96446)
# 弱智到了极点了。论坛是言论自由没有武力,文革是言论被控滥用武力,一样? (无内容) - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:16:16 (96451)
* 当学术打假纯粹为了打假而打假的时候,大家是需要静下来想一想 - 丁叮 (52 bytes) 2006-08-01, 12:56:28 (96424)
o 上 面 对 网 友 丁叮的 攻 击 代 表 着 xys - li_ping_an (330 bytes) 2006-08-02, 05:48:22 (96519)
o 这个“为了打假而打假”的结论是怎么得出来的? (无内容) - tsy (0 bytes) 2006-08-02, 03:51:36 (96511)
o 当警察纯粹为了抓杀人犯而抓杀人犯的时候,大家是需要静下来想一想 - michiko (6 bytes) 2006-08-01, 13:16:22 (96430)
+ Professionalism advocate just do your own job rather than the big picture (无内容) - HunHunSheng (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 13:23:07 (96432)
o 嗯,想想骗子们是否在偷着乐。 (无内容) - Latino2 (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 12:59:00 (96426)
+ 水致清则无鱼。当然,这些东西是肉食者考虑的事情,跟我没什么关系 - 丁叮 (48 bytes) 2006-08-01, 13:03:48 (96427)
# 我靠,这句‘水至清则无鱼’乃是最恶心人的陈词滥调之一。 - 冒泡 (48 bytes) 2006-08-01, 16:56:00 (96467)
* 估计这厮小时候没摸过鱼 (无内容) - 丁叮 (0 bytes) 2006-08-01, 18:48:46 (96474)
# 呵呵,想说话却又躲躲闪闪,还要先声明自己吃素,“没什么关系” - 自如 (306 bytes) 2006-08-01, 13:48:11 (96433)
* 不过这事真的跟我没啥关系,难道跟你有关系? - 丁叮 (42 bytes) 2006-08-01, 14:15:27 (96439)
o 哈哈,面皮刚鼓涨一点点又忙着撇清缩回去啦? - 自如 (225 bytes) 2006-08-01, 15:56:04 (96461)
+ 看到你们小孩子茁长成长,我老人家心里很高兴啊 - 丁叮 (90 bytes) 2006-08-01, 16:18:09 (96464)
# 光PG皇帝自己丢人我当然不急,可他要骗中国纳税人的钱,还要用吹出来的“反射弧”草菅 - 自如 (192 bytes) 2006-08-01, 17:15:56 (96468)
* 我跟谁都不急,只在边上看热闹。只是劝大家悠着劲,慢慢玩 - 丁叮 (78 bytes) 2006-08-01, 18:47:09 (96473)
* 至清到浊水中间差不少呢。根本不是非此即彼的问题。 - 丁叮 (85 bytes) 2006-08-01, 14:10:46 (96436)
* 斑竹以前说过打假可能随时停止所以无论怎样没什么大不了的 - HunHunSheng (82 bytes) 2006-08-01, 12:42:36 (96421)


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