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星期六, 四月 19, 2008


博讯北京时间2008年4月16日 首发


我是一名在美国法学院读书的中国留学生,我们对奥运,西藏事件等国内的热点当然也会如在国内时一样的关心,虽然我们留学生中对此也有不同看法和意见,有时还会争执得很厉害,但是我们在法学院接受的最基本的道德和学术准则就是要求我们引用或翻译转载别人的文章必须做引证或注解,同时标明出处,以备读者,教授或他人检阅,不得作一丝篡改删减或伪造,法学院的辩论往往是建立在双方都认可的事实的基础上进行的辩论,否则这种辩论就变得毫无意义了,所以尊重事实本身是最起码的品行。在看了新华网的专稿及其翻译的加州柏克莱大学王灵智教授4月9日发表在CNN的评论 Bashing China is not the answer 文章后,觉得实在忍无可忍:一是随意修改文章标题,二没有附原文或做链接以让读者加以对照,最恶劣的是任意地广泛地篡改原文,歪曲原作者思想和主题,这种翻译着实比断章取义还要不道德的多,故笔者将这篇新华网翻译和原文都附后,并一一指出其这些翻译问题所在。短短几天时间,该文已被搜狐,新浪,东方网和和新民网普遍转载,在Google上能搜到千余条记录,所以我希望这些媒体立即作出更正,以免再以讹传讹。




Bashing China is not the answer

As the Olympic torch makes its way westward through London, Paris and San Francisco on its way to Beijing, it has been attracting well-financed, organized protests representing various single-issue groups that normally do not even work together

在第一段中, 新华网的翻译漏了本段的第二句话,在奥运火炬向西经由伦敦,巴黎和旧金山向北京传递之际,它正吸引着有资金和有组织的抗议者们,他们代表了不同的通常不会协同工作的单个目的的组织。

Among these groups are various factions of the Free Tibet movement, the groups against genocide in Darfur, global warming, Burma's military dictatorship, job loss in the U.S., and such diverse groups as the Falun Gong and Taiwan independence activists.

第二段话,新华网的译文整个就被就删除了, " 在这些组织中有自由西藏运动的不同派系,有反对达富尔大屠杀的组织,反对全球气候变暖的组织,有反对缅甸军人独裁的组织,反对美国工人失业的组织,还有多种多样的诸如法轮功组织,台湾独立积极分子等组织。"


The Beijing Olympics is a godsend for these groups because it affords them the opportunity to disrupt the torch relay.

The media, as usual, have seized the opportunity to pour fuel onto the fire. Politicians are tripping over each other in their eagerness to condemn China, to call for boycotts, and to claim the high moral ground, even though the United States has been treated as a rogue state worldwide because of our invasion of Iraq, and our unlawful detention, torture, rendition, etc.

Sadly, most Americans know little about international issues and for that matter, China, as demonstrated by the conspicuous absence of information regarding historical context and complexity. Instead, the media, politicians and organized groups prefer to use only sound bites and, frequently, disinformation to perpetuate ignorance, instill fear, and incite racial hostility, or worse, hatred toward China.

这一段正确的翻译是"不幸的是, 大部分美国民众对包括中国在内的国际事务缺乏了解, 尤其体现在对复杂历史背景的信息缺乏. 此外, 新闻媒体, 政客和各类组织偏爱使用断章取义的新闻快报, 并且在很多情况下, 使用不实信息, 造成对中国的无知,恐惧,种族敌意,甚至仇恨。"



What they do know is this: Just about everything they use and wear daily comes from China. Even the new section of the San Francisco Bay Bridge is being made in Shanghai.

San Francisco Bay Bridge 应该是旧金山海湾大桥,该桥不同于金门大桥,不太为中国人所知。

What they also don't know is how Chinese in China are viewing and preparing for the Olympics in August. Not since the 10-year nightmare of the Cultural Revolution have the Chinese been more dedicated to and collectively mobilized for a national project: to host the first Olympics in China.

在这一段第二句里,译文将十年文革翻译成十年申奥,新华网翻成了"但是大部分美国人不知道的是,中国人为了这次北京奥运会的筹办付出了多少心血,他们期待着这次奥运盛会的胜利召开。可以说,过去这十年,中国人发动了一场"全民战争",为了奥运,也为了自己国家变得更加富强。" 正确的译文是"他们不知道的是中国人如何看待和准备8月份的奥运。自从文革那十年噩梦之后, 最令中国人专心致力并集体动员的国家项目,莫过于第一次在中国举行的奥运会."


This project aspires to engage the world and to incentivize further reform in China. More than 200 million Chinese, for example, are learning English and the torch relay will be greeted by all China's provinces and major cities before reaching Beijing.


China, like many countries in the world, including the U.S., has problems. It has much to learn from the rest of the world. For example, China has yet to learn how to understand and treat its minorities -- such as Tibetans, Uighurs, Muslims, Hmongs -- as equals.

正确的译文是"中国像包括美国在内的世界上的其他国家一样都有自己的问题。它要向世界其他国家学习很多东西。例如:中国尚未学会如何理解和平等对待国内的少数民族, 包括藏族,维吾尔族,穆斯林,苗族等. "新华网把第三句话完全给删除了。

In this respect, they are not that different from us. We are still learning how to treat minorities such as Native Americans, African-Americans, Latinos, Chinese-Americans and others as equals.


Humility and compassion, not hypocrisy and self-righteousness, is what is needed.

I am not opposed to free speech and legitimate protests against China's wrongdoings. However, I am opposed to using the Olympics to demonize China and its people and disruptive, confrontational, and violent tactics. Such actions have the effect of desecrating the Olympics and humiliating and insulting the people of China. No good can come of them.


Protests and confrontations along the torch route may even incite Chinese xenophobia and nationalism and result in decisions to retreat from its increased openness to and engagement with the West.

If this should happen, it will be a major setback for the 1.3 billion people in China and for world peace and prosperity.


新华网将最后两段翻成了: "同时,利用暴力手段干扰北京奥运会圣火传递也只会阻碍中国的开放和全球化的进程。如果真是这样的话,那么不仅仅对13亿中国人来说,对于整个世界来说,都是无法接受的。(完)"



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